Coal Asset Transition Tool
Open data supporting early coal plant retirement in Southeast Asia

What is TZ-CAT?
The Coal Asset Transition (TZ-CAT) tool is an open data product to help refinance and replace coal plants in an affordable and just way.
The metrics the TZ-CAT tool estimates plant-by-plant include, but are not limited to, the cost to ‘buy-out’ Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), the cost of replacing with clean energy alternatives and the potential savings from early retirement, as well as the social costs of air pollution, water use and climate change.
The TZ-CAT Tool can be used for high-level screening to identify regions to prioritise for phaseout based on various screening metrics; asset-level deep dives into financial metrics, operating costs, and environmental and social externalities; identifying candidates for coal phase-out at the asset level based on criteria most important to the end user.
TZ-CAT is currently available for the Philippines and Indonesia. Download below.
Download TZ-CAT Philippines
Asset-level data for coal plant refinancing in the Philippines. Updated January 2024.
Download TZ-CAT Indonesia
Asset-level data for coal plant refinancing in Indonesia. Updated October 2022.