Matt is an energy market analyst with more than a decade of sell-side and consulting experience. Prior to founding TransitionZero, Matt worked at American investment bank Jefferies where he was head of European carbon and power research.
Matt was also a consultant to the International Energy Agency and a managing director of the power & utilities team at Carbon Tracker. Matt earned his BAppSci in Environmental Management from Otago University and later obtained an MSc in Environmental Governance from the University of Manchester, courtesy of a Rotary Foundation Scholarship.

Our secret master plan
Don't tell anybody!

Introducing TZ-SAM: Solar Asset Mapper
A global solar asset dataset, powered by planetary-scale machine learning

Coal Refinancing in the Philippines
Using the Coal Asset Transition (TZ-CAT) tool

Introducing the Coal Asset Transition tool
The transition away from coal power requires careful consideration of costs and benefits. That's why we're launching TZ-CAT Indonesia

Fuel Switching 2.0
Our Coal-to-Clean Carbon Price Index estimates the carbon price required to incentivise fuel switching from coal to clean energy, leapfrogging fossil gas

Five energy transition trends to watch in 2022
The big trends that we'll be keeping an eye on this year

Scaling zero-carbon energy finance for 1.5C
Finance for renewable energy needs to rapidly scale up to limit climate change to 1.5°C. We explore three options to attract this finance

Coal-26: World must close nearly 3,000 coal units by 2030 to hit 1.5°C degree target
Our analysis shows that nearly 3,000 coal plants must be closed by 2030 to align with a 1.5°C pathway. COP26 must be the end of coal

Why the future of energy data is open source
Why the future of energy data is open source