Data-driven analysis on decarbonising energy and heavy industry
Southeast Asia’s balancing act
Changing national policies, shifting energy investment trends, and evolving electrification technology can make demand growth projections using trend-based forecasting obsolete. System designs that can enable operational and contractual flexibility to accommodate unpredictable demand patterns are important to cope with the increasing complexity.
Southeast Asia faces a reckoning on (the power of) grid connectivity
What if Singapore goes ahead with interconnection projects to support clean power purchase deals in Cambodia, Indonesia or Vietnam? Southeast Asia analyst Thu Vu's shares how our energy systems modelling platform can facilitate power system planning.
Introducing our "What If" machine - Model Builder
The energy transition relies on resource planning models, however, today’s offerings are often costly, closed and complex. TransitionZero combines world-leading satellite data work with new systems modelling capability in a convenient and user-friendly ecosystem.