Data-driven analysis on decarbonising energy and heavy industry
What’s in the PPA?
Part 3 in a series on ETM deals in Southeast Asia. How PPAs have shaped power markets in Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines, and why their lack of transparency and rigid terms pose challenges for Southeast Asia's energy transition.
The Tortured Transition Department
Part 2 of a series on ETM deals in Southeast Asia. 2024 will be a year of crosscurrents for Southeast Asia’s energy transition. With political risk running high, we look into the technical debates and developments that will determine how fast regional analysts and system planners can fill the gap between high-level policy statements and the functional roadmaps that markets need.
Southeast Asia’s balancing act
Changing national policies, shifting energy investment trends, and evolving electrification technology can make demand growth projections using trend-based forecasting obsolete. System designs that can enable operational and contractual flexibility to accommodate unpredictable demand patterns are important to cope with the increasing complexity.
Process, Not Product
Part 1 in a series on ETM deals in Southeast Asia. 2024 is shaping up to be the year when markets learn how Energy Transition Mechanisms (ETMs) will continue to evolve in different Southeast Asian markets. ETMs are initiatives aimed at financing early coal retirement transactions. Their flexibility can be a strength if it improves policy alignment—and begins to deliver a pipeline of bankable deals.
Southeast Asia faces a reckoning on (the power of) grid connectivity
What if Singapore goes ahead with interconnection projects to support clean power purchase deals in Cambodia, Indonesia or Vietnam? Southeast Asia analyst Thu Vu's shares how our energy systems modelling platform can facilitate power system planning.
Access all areas: Tearing down barriers to cutting-edge energy systems modelling capability
TransitionZero is on a mission to empower decision-makers the world over with best-in-class open source energy data and system modelling tools. The ambition behind Future Energy Outlook (FEO), our flagship product, is to create a common data standard that builds trust between stakeholders.
Our secret master plan (don't tell anybody)
As many know, our initial product was computer vision algorithms to estimate productivity and emissions from large fossil fuel facilities in regions where data is unavailable or infrequent. However, not everyone knows our goal is to create a global standard for energy planning data. This is because our overarching purpose is to help ensure affordable and dependable clean energy for all, especially in low-income countries.
Dua Miliar alasan: Indonesia Dapat Melampaui Target Nol-Bersih
Menutup PLTU jelas mendatangkan keuntungan bagi Indonesia, baik dari sisi penghematan biaya maupun emisi. Caranya, mempercepat dekarbonisasi sektor ketenagalistrikan dengan memesiunkan dini PLTU yang paling tidak menguntungkan, dan aset-aset pembangkit berkinerja buruk. Hal ini terungkap dalam model sistem Future Energy Outlook (FEO) yang dilakukan TransitionZero.
Two billion reasons: how Indonesia can get ahead of the net zero curve
Closing old coal plants is a win-win for emissions and costs. Indonesia can accelerate power sector decarbonisation and save money by retiring its least profitable coal plants early. Doing so would give the country a head-start on its 2060 net zero target, according to TransitionZero’s groundbreaking Future Energy Outlook systems model.
Japan’s toxic narrative on ammonia
Southeast Asian countries are being misled about the emissions savings potential of co-firing ammonia with coal. New analysis by TransitionZero confirms that converting Asian coal power plants to run on ammonia would be an immense waste of capital that could do more climate harm than good.
China goes rogue on new coal
China is doubling down on coal in a bid to prevent more summer power shortages. But more capacity will only add to the structural underutilisation, operational inefficiencies and financial losses blighting the county’s electricity system.
Pakistan’s power predicament
A nationwide blackout during a sovereign debt crisis encapsulated the profound challenges facing Pakistan. Deep reforms are needed to tip the economic scales away from reliance on volatile fossil fuel imports and towards clean domestic energy sources.
Can ‘green’ steel halt EU deindustrialisation?
The EU's steel production is falling, presenting a deindustrialisation threat and increasing emissions from cheaper, dirtier imports. 'Green' steel could reverse this trend.
Is gas-fired power back in the money?
Wholesale gas prices collapsed at the end of 2022, making gas-fired power generation profitable in Europe for the first time in months. But the economics of gas power plants remain extremely challenged, while those of renewables are still much more compelling.
2022 in review: Goodbye normality, hello volatility
We reviewed five predictions made by TransitionZero at the start of 2022 and scored them with the benefit of hindsight. Then we cast our minds forward to the big energy transition trends of 2023.
Indonesia’s coal retirement conundrum
The $20 billion JETP deal unveiled at last month’s G20 could finance the early closure of half of Indonesia's existing coal plants – but the devil is in the detail on climate impact.
Thirst for (clean) power
Coal saved China’s hydro-reliant provinces during this summer’s extreme drought. But using thermal plants to prop up the grid during dry periods risks exacerbating the problem of water stress.
Pembiayaan pensiun dini batu bara Indonesia: Coal Asset Transition Tool
Memperkenalkan Coal Asset Transition (CAT) Tool, hasil-hasilnya untuk Indonesia dan implikasinya bagi pembuat kebijakan dan pemodal yang mengerjakan penghapusan batubara secara bertahap.
Financing Indonesia's coal phase-out: Coal Asset Transition Tool
Introducing the Coal Asset Transition (CAT) Tool, its results for Indonesia and the implications for policymakers and financiers working on coal phase out.
6 Ways The REPowerEU Plan Supports Energy Affordability
How achieving the renewable energy goals in the REPowerEU plan will benefit the EU's energy affordability, security and prosperity.